Thursday, September 16, 2010

Kaleidescope of Ideas

It's been a quick week, and Friday is upon laundry is piled up, dinner is as yet uncooked, the house is only passably clean, and for a creative, that bar is considerably lower than average. I've written minimally and not even finished reading a book I'm reviewing. Outrageous, for a bookish nosher who eats print non-stop!
I've spent nearly half of this week on twitter in the company of creative individuals that threatened to take my breath away, and then take my confidence with it. The mind-numbing trip I've been on is worthy of note, simply because it shouted like a collective voice into my soul. I'm more than a little bit intimidated.

Instead, I'm deciding to be inspired.
Here's just a few of the spots I've lingered in. Kevin Adams frank admission of his hardships and ensuing need to walk by faith was so honest, I had to read it twice to believe it. Sarah Cunningham's story about a boy who lived on her couch was touching, and made me glad when I said yes to someone sleeping on my couch.

'got some projects in mind for my own happiness' was a phrase I pulled from an artist blog linked with twitter acct @magicplum. I've since lost the link. (Sorry) I love that! If you said it, let me know and I'll give you credit! has a tablescape section that  is a magical place where dinner tables become worlds in their own right, making mealtime the ultimate escape into bliss! Check out the one about Lord Byron.

@nathanbransford continues his heavy-hand-up for the struggling author by serving fare on publishing and book news that I can hardly live without.

So, while the dirty clothes are waiting and my family wonders if I still live here, I'll leave you to lose yourself in this wonderful room we call inexplicably 'the web' and marvel at the spacious place our minds are.

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