Thursday, October 7, 2010

#Cat10 Atlanta

I enjoyed by proxy the tweets from attendees at Catalyst's latest conference in Atlanta,  #Cat10 on twitter, in case you want to check it out.
I felt like Ruth must have felt, gleaning in the fields behind Boaz. Lucky, and getting fed off someone else's dime. A generous friend provided my first Catalyst experience, and I just happened to hop on this morning and timely it was!

Andy Stanley, using Genesis 25's account of Esau selling his birthright for a bowl of soup,  opened the sessions with the thought that we need to reframe and retrain our appetites, that the thirst and hunger for more in many areas of our lives NEVER goes away. He challenged us to finish the following sentence, "In ten years..." and examine how today's demands often take over in place of long term goals that have more lasting value. So true.

Then some saint posted a snippet of worship music (13,000 strong I believe) and that was a blessing as well.

Tonight I got on and did some more gleaning and found this nugget from Seth Godin:
Do people miss me when I leave the room?
So simple.
Let's be the kind of people that others are sorry to see go.
Feast for thought...

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