Saturday, September 1, 2012

Necessary Read For Political Scholars

Review for The Founder’s Key by Larry Arnn

This is a conservative and decidedly non-progressive look at the written works of the founders of the United States extraordinary ‘experiment’. Larry Arnn, President of Hillsdale College explores the meaning and original intent of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence and their interlocking nature in his unique style which is engagingly didactic. The remainder of the book contains Federalist Papers 10, 39, 48, 49, 51and the publication “Property” by James Madison. The principles embodied in these works and the people’s response to them are, according to Arnn, “The Founder’s Key”.
A bit dry in places for the average reader, but an absolutely essential read for the serious political scholar.
I was given a complimentary copy  from Thomas Nelson Publishers in return for my honest opinion of the book.

Currently experiencing...

That moment when you hate to pull down the dried out hollyhock stalks. You know, however, if you do, you can harvest seeds for next year. But it does seem so far off!
Inside the look and feel of death is a promise.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Recap of the Summer's Good News!

Four family members got jobs (more than one each) and there were no new foreclosures in our neighborhood, as far as I can tell.
We had multiple visitors travelling from as far away as Europe who added to the economy as well as enriching of our lives.
We sent a daughter off to college, and books are paid for!
My husband's hours at work are remaining steady, at least no more drastic hourly cuts, and he even received a small bonus.
There is new construction a mile from our home, and no teacher lay-offs yet.

Just never hurts to spread good news!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

In Which I Am Humbled

I had to sightread music for a job interview today. Not perfectly, but adequately I stumbled through, and now have so much more sympathy for my dear students who sightread EVERY WEEK for me in their lessons.

It's good to be in the hot seat every once in a while. Produces a healthy amount of humility!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Living in the Modern World

Straddling a world in which the television was the most progressive invention, and a world where we literally cannot navigate without the miracle of video in one form or another, makes me as fit as anyone to understand the generational chasm I encounter every day. Video or 'talking pictures' as they were first termed have, among other wonders, single-handedly revolutionized the educational and entertainment paradigm. As with any change, some are at the forefront, the median population follows en masse and still some straggle behind.

In between the grandmother who is hesitant to get a facebook and the grandfather eager to set up skype, there is a world of difference. And that's nothing to the divide between the young hipster who learns to play the piano by youtube tutorials, and the elderly arts enthusiast who can't get enough of the classics.

Perhaps having family members at both ends of the age spectrum closes the gap, or more likely I am in the gap. My technical saavy resembles a baby elephant loping along, sidling up against its monster-sized mother for protection and direction. In my case the mother elephant is the collective knowledge of my husband and my daughters. And I am the first to applaud the amazing advances of the modern age.

But I have a soft spot in my heart for those who sat in rapt attention by the radio during World War II, amazed that they could hear Winston Churchill's voice from across the pond, used magazines and sometimes even corn cobs to accomplish personal hygiene tasks, and gave up valued food groups to conserve resources for the troops. Incidentally, how a candidate looked on camera didn't influence the vote of the WWII folk's parents! This same generation doesn't understand how getting a million youtube hits makes you some kind of hero, whether you have worked hard for it or not. This generation was of a different cloth.

And I understand them, while simultaneously enjoying pop music, and playing youtube videos for my piano students.

There will come a day, when the last person who experienced World War II  personally is gone. In the meantime, the present generation has volumes to learn from them. And, volumes to enrich their elders with if they (both sides) are paying attention.

Some reptiles gain nutrients by eating the old skin when it is shed. Need I elaborate?