Monday, February 17, 2014

Creative Crunch and Sauce on the Back Burner

I'm in a bit of a frenzied flurry of creative activity right now. Does that ever happen to you?
It must be Spring, and the accompanying awakening of earth after winter, but my schedule as well as my brain is swimming in new ideas and projects. Among the directorship of a play, teaching private piano, accompanying for a middle school and our church choir, hosting a writer's meeting, teaching a writer's workshop, and planning drama classes, I have the dream of continuing my education on the back burner. Frankly, the pan is starting to burn - it's been on there so long.

I've narrowed it down (or to continue the metaphor, reduced the sauce) to an interdisciplinary Master's degree that incorporates my three interests, Music, English and Theology.  My goal is to be more of an expert in literacy as it relates to the christian culture by association to the world in general. The trends I've seen in the Christian church lately have spurred my interest in the whole 'christianization of a culture' and how that relates to literature, entertainment and music. My fear is that modern christianity may soon be reduced to a very trendy lifestyle 'scene-ism' that further marginalizes the group of people who as Eric Metaxas so eloquently phrased it "have the secret to the universe".

Now, to find a place that fosters this plan of study. It would need to be a place that can embrace a diverse and broad range of ideas, without the threat of heresy breathing down the student's (my) neck. And at the same time it must be a place that takes the idea of the christian faith seriously as a philosophy and not as  a fanatical delusion. Hmmm...any ideas?

Meanwhile, I've got a novel to edit and submit, and a bit of a household to run. It's no wonder creatives are labeled as crazy.

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