Monday, March 14, 2011

Sabbath: The Perfect Day

If seven is the perfect number, then the seventh day should be the perfect day.
That’s the point Dan B Allender is trying to make in his book Sabbath. Far from the dry scolding I expected, Allender’s nearly scandalous prose paints a picture of a day spent in the delight of the presence of the One who created us for wonder. Calling us from the busy, despairing grind of a workaholics anonymous existence, God’s purpose for the Sabbath was never to bore us, Allender insists.

Posing the idea that many of us prefer the predictability of sorrow to the serendipity of mysterious delight, the book may turn off the traditionalist who may insist, “Sundays were made to focus on God”, Allender reminds of Jesus’ words, “the Sabbath was made for man.”
At one point he even describes a Sabbath as more like hanging out in a French Bistro with the Savior than what most of us envision for the Lord’s Day. Ways to spend your Sabbath are suggested, and they vary from foot washing to smoking a stogie with a friend. Most center on food and time with people you care about.

This book should be read by every person who has ever spent a Sunday in drudgery, whether in church, or anywhere else. I won’t spend the seventh day of my week the same as I used to. This gentle voice has transformed my thinking!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson Publishers in return for my honest opinion of the book.

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