Sunday, September 16, 2012

Book Inspires Paradigm Shift

A Review of Dreams and Visions by Tom Doyle

I didn't really want to choose this book from the book list, because I thought it was kind of a sensational title and I wouldn't like it.I couldn't imagine that hearing more about Muslims could be top on my the list. Boy, was I wrong. This is the book I mentioned in an earlier post that I couldn't wait to finish so I could review!

Pastor Tom Doyle, missionary to the Middle East, tells stories of Muslims all over the world who have received visitations from Jesus Himself and these dreams and visions are leading them to salvation. Often, these people came from strict, devout Muslim families, and some were even Imams,  mosque leaders whose job it is enforce Islamic ways on wayward followers. There are accounts of women as well as men. The dreams and visions often lead them to other Christians who help them understand the truth of the Word of God, and  are the gateway to a real and vibrant faith. These new believers are willing to die for Christ, and in many Middle East countries, it's a real possibility. Some have been martyred already.

Using first hand accounts and relaying stories told by friends, Doyle completely changed the fearful and predictable prejudice that I had harbored, unknowingly,  against my Arab brothers and sisters all over the world.

I have begun not only to pray for them, but also to ask for opportunities to serve Muslims in my own town.I can't remember when a book so transformed my thinking as well as my heart attitude.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson Publishers in return for my honest opinion of the book.


Emmy said...

Man now I want to read it! Good review.

Amythyst said...

You can have it after Grandma!