Monday, June 20, 2011

I Experience God: Day 14 of the Count Your Blessings Challenge

Today is a hard day.

The last thing I want to do is count a blessing.

The troubles seem so heavy, and seem to outweigh the blessings


I promised. I believe that there are so many blessings I haven't yet counted, and that many of the troubles may even be blessings in disguise. Who can see ahead?

So, I must tell you about the time when the Bible became real to me.

It was right after I gave my whole life in surrender to God, when I was a teenager. The scripture became a letter of God to me. It seemed everything applied to what I was going through. The verses I'd memorized as a kid were now 'mine'. And I walked in communion with God through prayer and Bible reading daily.

This was my experience, and even now, when life seems dry and difficult, I know He is with me, making all things work for His glory, and my ultimate good, which I may or may not experience in this life.

The blessing of that time will be with me forever, and is the thread of faith I cling to to this very day.

Oh give thanks to the Lord for He is good: for His mercy endures forever. Psalm 136:1 -The Bible

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